Tuesday, March 07, 2006


who i am hates who i've been

on the car ride home today i was listening to the radio.
not unusual, considering music is like, my favorite thing.
well the song "who i am hates who i've been" by relient k came on.

i've heard it like 100 times.
i know all the words, backwords and forwards.

i had never really...and i mean really listened to it, and realized how deep it actually is.

everyday, "who i am" changes, and when i look back on "who i've been"....well...."who i am hates who i've been".

i hate the mistakes i've made, and the bad impressions i've left on people. i hate the hurt i've caused people, and i hate the things i've done that have taken away from who i could be.

i am constantly overwhelmed by the fact that God loves me. who i am and who i've been.
not to mention, who i will be.

every day i am someone new.
i'm the same person in a sense, but everyday i encounter different people and different situations, all making me grow, and giving me new experiences, making me somewhat of a new person. well, a different person. a changed person.

everyday i am given a new chance to be someone new.
someone better.
but not someone better for my sake.
someone better for God's sake.

praise God from whom all blessing flow...